Richard Percyvall / John Minsheu:
A dictionarie in Spanish and English. [...]

Richard Percyvall / John Minsheu:
A dictionarie in Spanish and English. [...]
Hereunto is annexed an ample English Dictionaire alphabetically ...
London 1599
(Archiv der europäischen Lexikographie, Abt. 2: Wörterbücher; 6)
mit einer Einleitung von Gabriele Stein
534 Seiten auf 8 Mikrofiches
1993, ISBN 3-89131-066-8
Silber negativ: EUR 120,– (ohne Mwst.) / EUR 142,80 (inkl. Mwst.)
»In 1591 Richard Percyvall published his Bibliotheca Hispanica, a dictionary in Spanish, English, and Latin together with a Spanish grammar. In 1599 John Minsheu published a revised and much augmented version of Percyvall's dictionary, in which he starred the »many thousand words« that he added, indicated accent of words, the conjugation of verbs, and added an English-Spanish dictionary, omitting the Latin words. Minsheu ... found in Thomas's Latin-English volume a convenient source of English definitions. Many of these he incorporated into the augmented volume, in defining Spanish words similar in form and meaning to the Latin.«
(DeWitt T. Starnes. Bilingual Dictionaries of Shakespeare's Day. In: PMLA 52/4. 1937, p. 1010)