cover "Die Bauhütte"

Die Bauhütte

1. 1858 – 74. 1932
Zeitschrift für deutsche Freimaurerei
Illustrirte Freimaurerzeitung

28,000 pages on 383 microfiches
2002, ISBN 3-89131-389-6

Diazo (negative): EUR 1,780.– / Silver (negative): EUR 2,136.–

In the preface to the first volume, which came out in Leipzig in 1858, its publisher J.G. Findel announced that the new weekly, which appeared under the motto «Wisdom, Strength, Beauty», aimed at «covering the complete field of Freemasonic science and art. It wishes to instruct and to encourage the younger members in the pursuit of their aims; it intends to inspire those with more experience to new tasks; for the master craftsmen it wants to be a center and a platform for their Masonic thinking, willing, and doing; it especially wishes to assist in paving the way for an academic establishment of our principles and a more uniform organization of our union. Starting out from these ideas it will strive for a wealth and depth of content as much as for beauty of form, for a moral edification and historical completeness, for a satisfaction of both spirit and heart, and it hopes to thus become a true mirror of Freemasonry in life, as well as a mirror of life to Freemasonry». The periodical was thematically organized into sections on the history and doctrine of Freemasonry, reports on the development of the individual lodge, Masonic legislation, biographies, literary reviews, and a feature section. Now and then the texts were supplemented by illustrations. The expected profits were, according to the publisher, intended to benefit a Masonic educational institution.