Dictionnaire universel françois et latin

Dictionnaire universel françois et latin
(«Dictionnaire de Trévoux»)
Nouvelle edition, 5 Vols., Paris 1732
(Archive of european Lexicography. 1: Encyclopedias; 48)
5,040 pages on 56 microfiches
1998, ISBN 3-89131-339-X
Diazo (negative): EUR 510.– / Silver (negative): EUR 612.–
In 1704 the Jesuits of Trévoux published the first edition of the Dictionnaire universel françois et latin. It based – without mentioning – to a large extent on the edition of Furetière's encyclopedia, revised by Basnal and Beauval. According to the place of its publication the work was soon known as «Dictionnaire de Trévoux». The theological and philosophical articles of huguenot source were revised by famous savants like Tournemine and Claude Buffier completely in the catholic sense, so the encyclopedia became very popular. From 1704 to 1711 six constantly growing editions appeared.
Here is presented the third edition in 5 vols.