Die Nürnbergischen Adress- und Schreibkalender

Cover address calendars

Die Nürnbergischen Adress- und Schreibkalender
(1705/06 – 1800)

9,200 pages on 64 microfiches
2001, ISBN 3-89131-371-3

Diazo (negative): EUR 570.– / Silver (negative): EUR 684.–

After the Administrative Calendars of the Frankonian Principalities Ansbach and Bayreuth the Nürnberg Address and Writing-Calendars (1705/06-1800) are published here as part of a series of personnel indexes of a Frankonian territory.

Unlike the surrounding rural principalities the free imperial town Nürnberg with its 25,000 inhabitants had already been a finely differentiated and structuarlized municipality. When, in 1705, the first address and writing-calendar was published, Nürnberg was the first free imperial town to have its own administrative calendar.

The following three sections, which are also included in these calendars, stand as an example for the city's numerous institutions. Firstly, Nürnberg had developed a social infrastructure including nurses, midwives or guardians for widows and orphans. Secondly, there was an infrastructure for the skilled trade and the mercantile system which included the people employed to weigh hey, measure fruits, make baskets as well as those loading, uploading, and guarding the wagons, or those people vested with priviledges for weighing, transport or messenger services. And lastly, there was a military infrastructure which consisted of 30 companies of residents' regiments including all artillery's, cavalry's, and infantry's officers. Institutions set up for schools, churches, public health or law also belonged to the city's administrative body.

The Address and Writing-Calendars provide information on all these institutions and the personnel employed.